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Discover results through the following menus :

Dashboard : provides the top 10 most pertinent topics and  top 20 relevant words detected in texts. Texts corresponding to topics and words can be viewed and/or downloaded by clicking on the green arrow sign in front of the selected topic or word.

Explore : enables to explore and / or download top and full lists of relevant Words and Topics in different formats (lists, Excel files, Cloud, Widget), get metrics on texts and on user lexicons.

Manage Topics : while refining your analysis, you may consider that topics should be grouped together and/or are not precise enough and should thus be deleted. This section provides tools to group / omit topics after analysis. See  Manage Topics . Be careful that, once a project analysis is restarted, topic management is reset.

Export / Share : enables to export results and create a Web/Mobile report that can be read on smartphones and tablets.

  • Available exports are :
    • Source data file
    • List of topics : contains list of topics with their pertinence
    • Illustrated topics : contains topics with sample texts
    • Top 10 Illustrated Topics : contains top 10 Illustrated Topics with sample verbatim, as refined in "Manage Topics" section
    • Texts and their Top 10 Topics: contains all texts and top 10 topics texts they may be linked to. Enables to visually discover wether texts are linked to multiple topics or few
    • Words: contains list of Words as defined in Step 2 with occurrence in value and percentage, and also total number of occurrences (including mutli occurrences)
    • Words and Texts : contains all words as defined in Step 2 and all texts linked, as well as many statistics on words and texts. This file also includes all column of the initial file to facilitate cross analysis and pivot tables
    • Topics and Texts : contains all topics as determined by Eaagle and all texts related to each topic, as well as many statistics on topics (occurrences, pertinence, …). This file also includes all column of the initial file to facilitate cross analysis and pivot tables
    • Archive files: contains all result files listed there and a widget that can be shared (same as in Explore / Topics / Widget tab)
    • NB 1 if a main property has been defined : all downloads are available per value of main property
    • NB 2 if you have merged or deleted topics in Manage Topics : Topics and Texts file is available after mergers and deletions (named as REVIEWED) as well as before mergers and deletions (named as STANDARD).
  • Web report contains in a friendy format designed for smartphones and tablets :
    • List of top 10 topics with sample associated texts
    • List of top 20 Words with sample associated texts

Change Settings : enable to define or change analysis settings: change data file, select text and property column, change number of words, split texts, exclude or include some categories of words, add or update lexicons. 

Back to my projects : enables to return to active projects page.

Contact support: should you need assistance, please contact 

If you have selected a "Main Property", you may discover results by value of the main property by using the drop-down menu below main menu.

Refine analysis : see  Analysis Parameters ,  Manage Topics  and  Tips to Refine Analysis

Refining analysis may consist in changing "Number of Relevant Words", and/or "Split Texts", and/or select "Categories"' of words, and/or create and apply "Lexicons".

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