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Main Property

The Main Property enables you to perform Qualitative Sorting, in order to compare topics and words using structured criteria such as age, location, gender…

In order to activate this functionality, you need to determine a "Main Property" when uploading your data. 



A ‘Topic’ is a pair of relevant words that most often appear together across texts, thus forming a theme or topic.



Pertinence of a topic is the relative importance of this topic as compared to all other topics identified across verbatim. It reflects occurrence of words defining topics as well as focus on texts on topic.



The reliability of a verbatim vs. a topic is a relative value indicating to what extent the text best represents the topic.



Highest number of times a word appears in a text.



Total count of a word across all texts.



Total number of texts in which is a word appears at least once



‘fp’ for a text is a sorting value calculated as follows: (fp = verbatim reliability * topic relevance)


Relevant Word

Relevant words are those words identified that best represent the content of texts. Relevant words can be frequent or rare: Rare relevant words do not appear frequently overall but only in a limited number of texts where they are central (i.e., frequent in a limited number of texts and not present otherwise). 

Eaagle Online includes standard text mining tools and features, such as stop words removal and lemmatization.  Tools words (‘and’, ‘in’, ‘out’, ‘by’, ‘or’, ‘of’, ‘the’…) are automatically excluded from the analysis, as well as numbers The lemmatizer reduces words to their based form to simplify the analysis: plurals are lumped under their singulars, and conjugated forms are lumped under their infinitive.



A verbatim (or text) is a series of words forming one or multiple sentences.  Please make sure that there is only one verbatim per Excel cell to ensure optimal analysis with Eaagle Online properly.



A ‘widget’ is a graphical, interactive presentation of the topics. 


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