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First and foremost, nothing is more efficient than a training, available at Eaagle (0,5 to 2 days depending on targeted level of knowledge).


Here are some tips to help rapidly getting valuable results.

Always start a first analysis with default options

If your texts generally contain more than 3 phrases, or if there are very short and very long texts, click on the Split option (unclicked by default)

For open ended questions, create a "delete" lexicon that contain the most significative words included in the question : rmost espondents usually use such words in their answer and it overweight those particular words or expressions

If you analyze data collected after a web search, from social neworks or on a database, delete the words of the query

Always delete words contained in more than 60% of texts by creating a "delete" lexicon. Those words are usually meaningless and behave as attractors that hide the interesting topics. In case one or two words are contained in more than 40% of texts and the others in less than 10% of texts, those "heavy" words may be also deleted

If words are contained in more than 20% of topics as they appear in the  Manage Topics , which contains the top 40 Topics, add them in a delete lexicon: as very frequent words, those words usally add few value to analysis and behave as attractors that hide the interesting topics

Unless you are willing to detect weak signals, we recommend that you do not consider topics with a pertinence below 1 (pertinence available in Explore / Topics / List of Topics or in All Texts and Topics file in Export / Share section)

If there are verbs or adverbs in more than 5 of the top 20 topics in  Manage Topics , it is generally usefull to those exclude verbs and adverbs from analysis. Before doing so, check the list of the most frequent verbs and adverbs in Words list to make sure some of them should not be included in an add lexicon before reprocessing.

Some words are verbs and nouns in many languages: if you exclude verbs, these ambiguous words will be kept in the analysis: you should then add them in a delete lexicon

Should you have texts in multiple languages, split your file in one file per language before processing analysis


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