Use Cases


Eaagle is used to analyze and categorize free text content. It is used in "ad hoc" surveys or on an ongoing basis.

Eaagle is mainly used  to analyzing  free text content in the following domains :

Customer Satisfaction / Marketing :

  • Product testing: Pre tests, post tests, add testing…
  • Bulletin boards
  • Open-ended questions
  • Forum analysis: see Example n°1
  • Speech analysis
  • Ad hoc surveys
  • CRM comments
  • Feedbacks analysis
  • Customer satisfaction surveys: see Example n°2
  • Customer complaints
  • Polls: see Example n°3
  • E-reputation
  • Social Networks

Human Resources Management

  • Employee “pulse”’ surveys: see Example n°4
  • Employee exit interviews
  • Employee reviews: Annual Reviews, mobility surveys, …
  • Training feedback analysis
Four examples are presented thereafter:

Example n°1: Forum analysis

Job: analysis of women feedbacks on a fragrance : "Stella" by Stella Mc Cartney

Source: (public forum). 1 295 verbatim. Cross analysis by age.
Top 10 feedbacks by consumers :
Main Findings :
  • Consumers express mainly positive feeling on fragrance
  • Adjectives used by women are really different depending on their age: need to realign wording to targetted consumer ages

Download Full Reporting: by age of respondents. The zip file contains:

  • a widget: to open the topics widget, double clic on "widget.html3
  • Excel file reports: top 10 topics illustrated by most relevant verbatim, all topics illustrated by verbatim, all detected topics, all relevant words sorted by decreasing occurrence

Example n°2: Satisfaction Survey

Job: trainees post training satisfaction survey after an 1 hour e-learning program on corporate data protection policies.

Source: internal survey. Over 7,000 verbatim.

Top 10 feedbacks from trainees :

Main Findings :

  • Overall high level of satisfaction: training program is assessed as accurate and usefull for corporate protection
  • Some remarkable issues : course duration exceeds one hour, material, some technical issues to connect to online course.

Download Full Reporting: the zip file containns:

  • a widget: to open the topics widget, double clic on "widget.html3
  • Excel file reports: top 10 topics illustrated by most relevant verbatim, all topics illustrated by verbatim, all detected topics, all relevant words sorted by decreasing occurrence.







Job: analyze citizens answer to an open question during the last US Presidential Election: "What should be the priorities for the next US president?"
Source: public survey. Approx 1000 verbatim.
Top 10 topics from Americans with illustrative sample verbatim :
Main Findings : US opinion main focus on War in Iraq, Alternative Fuel, Education, Immigration
Download Full Reporting: the zip file contains:
  • a widget: to open the topics widget, double clic on "widget.html3
  • Excel file reports: top 10 topics illustrated by most relevant verbatim, all topics illustrated by verbatim, all detected topics, all relevant words sorted by decreasing occurrence

Exemple N°4 : HR Survey

Job: analyze an open-ended question in an HR Survey: "What obstacles do you face in your job while the company is reorganizing? "
Source: internal survey. Appro 6000 verbatim.

Top 10 topics from respondants with illustrative sample verbatim :

Main Findings : 

  • Human factors come at the top of topics: change resistance, behaviours, .
  • Communication factors come in second place: internal as well as communication with customers and contractors.tion in HR Survey: 

Download Full Reporting: the zip file contains:a widget:

  • to open the topics widget, double clic on "widget.html3
  • Excel file reports: top 10 topics illustrated by most relevant verbatim, all topics illustrated by verbatim, all detected topics, all relevant words sorted by decreasing occurrence












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