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General Questions:

Functional Questions:

Technical questions:


General Questions:

What is Eaagle Online ? 

Eaagle Online is a web-based service designed to let users rapidly analyze large amounts of free text data e.g. text comments, customer feedbacks (CRM, Help Desk …), answers to open ended questions, tweets, forum contents, blogs or articles. 

EOL is the quickest, easiest and cheapest way to rapidly and objectively analyze unstructured data. Just load your verbatim in Excel in EOL, and see the results at once!

Who should use Eaagle Online ?

Eaagle Online users are professionals dealing who need to analyze huge amount of free text data in their work:  Marketing, HR, Communication professionals, Consultants, Researchers and Academics.   

What are Eaagle Online's Benefits ?

  • Speed: Get results within seconds. No prep required, no need to create lexicons categories, dictionaries… Just load your raw data, click and get results!
  • Objective and unbiased (no predefinition)
  • Results are visual to facilitate analysis and share them easily 
  • Cost optimization: Pay per use
  • No maintenance fee
  • Flexible: Run Eaagle Online ‘as is’ (Personal and Enterprise plans) or integrate it in your online platform through APIs.

How does Eaagle Online work ?

Three easy steps:

  1. Gather your full text data in an Excel (2003/2007/2010) sheet
  2. Load the Excel file into Eaagle Online 
  3. Click and see the results
Eaagle Online automatically reads your full text data, extracts relevant words and identifies topics. 
See the results on the Eaagle Online dashboard with a wealth of features: Lists, pie charts, word tags, widget…
All results are downloadable.

What are Eaagle Online's output?

  • A one-page summary dashboard with main topics, most relevant words and charts (The Dashboard)
  • A detailed list report of all topics with associated verbatim, sorted by relevance
  • A list of all keywords sorted by occurrence
  • An interactive widget displaying the top 10 topics and corresponding verbatim
  • A dedicated download area for all results (MS Excel format)


Functional Questions:

How are topics and words identified by Eaagle Online ?

Eaagle Online selects the most relevant words, both common and rare, and groups them into topics according to three core guidelines:

  1. Identify each word’s occurrence and weight, counting the number of times it appears across all verbatim
  2. Determine each word’s proximity with regards to all other words
  3. Compute an optimal keywords list to reveal primary, and secondary themes as well as weak signals.
Eaagle Online regards a word as series of characters bordered by spaces, without referring to pre-existing semantic dictionaries. 
In order to remove non-significant items, Eaagle Online processes verbatim with a proprietary “lemmatizer” that reduces words to their base form (i.e.: reduce plurals to singular). 
Eaagle Online also removes stop words (e.g. ‘of’, ‘at’, ‘no’, ‘not’, ‘on’, etc.). Proper nouns are not shown by default; they can be identified, however, if the appropriate option has been selected in the Settings.
Once individual words have been identified, Eaagle Online analyzes words by groups and determines the most relevant groups among all verbatim to reveal themes. Eaagle Online also identifies the most relevant verbatim for each groups.
Note: The default word count selection for analysis is set at 100 words.  This default value is not a limit set in calculation, only in presentation. Users can set preferences to any word count limit.

What languages are supported?

All Latin-based languages can be analyzed, including English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. 

Eaagle Online does not currently support Asian languages, Greek, Arabic or Russian.

How are plurals handled?

To prevent redundancies, Eaagle On Line automatically groups together plurals and singulars.

How are conjugated verbs handled?

To prevent redundancies, Eaagle On Line automatically groups conjugated into their infinitive.

How are proper nouns handled?

Proper nouns are not showing by default. Yet they can be identified, if the appropriate option section has been selected in Preferences.

What are the scientific concepts underying Eaagle Technology?

Eaagle Online is based on Eaagle SDK, developed under the authority of Professor Michel Authier, a renowned mathematician who developed a new family of systemic mathematics. His findings spearheaded a whole new field of data mining, data mapping and management. 

An underlying principle of Eaagle mathematics is that the true wealth of information is found in the links between words and expressions, and not in semantic pre classification.
Eaagle Online radically differs from semantic approaches. Topics are identified based on proprietary algorithms that differentiate Eaagle Online from traditional semantics-based text mining systems:
  • No lexicons nor predefined dictionaries/categories are required; neither prep nor ontological maintenance are required. ‘Semantic bias’ is removed from the analysis.
  • Weaker signals become visible
  • Unexpected relations appear spontaneously to reveal undetected, potentially vital pieces of information

What qualitative sorting possibilities are in Eaagle Online ?

Qualitative sorting is easy in Eaagle Online. 

Topics and words can be easily compared and sorted according to structured criteria using drop down lists, i.e. age, location, gender, etc.
In order to activate this functionality, you need to determine a "Main Property" when uploading your data.
Once Eaagle Online has processed your data, you are able to see/sort results according to your main property, as well as compare those results to all verbatim.
In the download section, Eaagle Online will automatically prepare a breakdown of results according to the main property. 

Technical questions:

Is there a particular format for Excel spreadsheets?

Verbatim should be located in one Excel column. Other columns are regarded as properties by Eaagle Online. First row is regarded as the header.

You can find examples of files by clicking on the following link: sample files

Can Eaagle Online be integrated in other software systems or services ?

Yes. Eaagle On Line can be integrated as an embedded service in other services or software.

For more information, please contact us at :

Can I use Eaagle Online with survey softwares and online survey services?

Yes, assuming that these solutions supports open ended questions to collect free text data and provide results in Excel or CSV format, which is most often the case.

Click here to find a list of survey software and services available on the market: survey software list
Please note that this list is given for illustration purposes only, and it does not mean that Eaagle specifically recommends one or all of these products. This list is not comprehensive: Other solutions exist on the market. 

Can analyze free text data coming from other systems, such as ERPs, email or MS SharePoint?

Yes, provided that the data can be exported and/or converted into the Excel format, which is usually the case. When exporting data for analysis in Eaagle Online, please make sure that the UTF-8 format is selected. We suggest that send us a sample data file should you experience difficulties using Eaagle On Line:


Not with Eaagle Online. Yet these documents can be analyzed using Eaagle’s leading text mining client software, Full Text Mapper Advanced Version. 

For more information, refer to Eaagle Full Text Mapper datasheet or view videos of FTM or contact our sales department at:

The quantity of data is only limited by your Eaagle Online credit availability.  Yet, the Eaagle Online online solution was voluntary limited to 37,000 verbatim per analysis. This limit can be pushed if necessary. In some cases, a dedicated infrastructure may be required for analyzing larger amounts of text data. 

For more information, contact us at:


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